What’s behind a picture? The term “metadata” is used to describe the information that travels with a digital image file but is unseen within the image itself. In our networked digital environment, metadata is accessed by both human users and artificial intelligences. Software algorithms orchestrate what images we see and exchange while collecting the valuable data generated by our interactions. In our moment, dominated by image-based social media and surveillance, we are becoming increasingly aware that understanding the information that circulates unseen around photographic images is just as important as seeing what they represent.
This fascinating, fully-illustrated publication explores new paradigms for understanding the ecology of the photographic image through the work of an international selection of contemporary artists and visual activists. This includes not just the tags or descriptors attached to image files, but the power relationships, biases, and economic interests that are not always visible in the image itself.
Works by Mohsen Azar, Viktoria Binschtok, Mladen Bizumic, Joy Buolamwini, Ali Feser and Jason Lazarus, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Lilly Lulay, Trevor Paglen, and Penelope Umbrico.
Dissecting The Visible
Editor: Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin, 2021
Texts in German/English by:
Dr. Christina Leber, Head of Art Collection DZ Bank, Frankfurt am Main
Christopher Jones, Curator of Photography and Media Art at Ringling Museum, Sarasota (USA)
Design: Koch und Braun, Berlin
120 pages
29 x 23,5 cm
Kuckei + Kuckei, 2021
ISBN 978-3-00-069492-9
Euro : 38,00
to order the catalogue write to: info(at)lillylulay.de or info(at)kuckei-kuckei.de
Grassi Museum Leipzip
Verlag Kettler, 2020
Text: german/englisch
76 pages
ANALOG TOTAL. FOTOGRAFIE HEUTE zeigt die Bandbreite der zeitgenössischen Entwicklung der analogen Fotografie anhand von Unikaten, Serien und fotografischen Installationen. Mit insgesamt 24 Künstler*innen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum werden in vier Themengruppen verschiedene Nuancen dieses Mediums beleuchtet. Ein klarer Fokus liegt auf der Materialität und dem Experimentellen im Umgang mit Licht, Chemie und Technik.
XL Photography 6
Art Collection Deutsche Börse
Kehrer 2019
32 x 32 cm, 156 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-86828-910-7
works by: Judith Ammann, Florian Albrecht-Schoeck, Jana Bissdorf, Walker Evans, Samuel Fosso, Weronika Gęsicka, Paul Graham, Hsu-Pin Lee, Dana Lixenberg, Lilly Lulay, Mike Mandel, Susan Meiselas, Zanele Muholi, Gabriele und Helmut Nothhelfer, Helga Paris, Gordon Parks, Heinrich Riebesehl, Julian Röder, Malte Sänger, Guy Tillim
texts (english/german) by: Anne-Marie Beckmann, Sebastian Knoll, Alexandra König
Revolver Publishing, Berlin 2016
27 x 19 cm, 88 pages, offset print, softcover, 25 € + shipping
to order the catalogue write to: info(at)lillylulay.de
works by: Lilly Lulay
texts by: Till Grohmann (french), Matthias Windelberg (english), Bernd Stiegler and Sven Zedlitz (german)
Based on private found photographs from various sources and times Lilly Lulay creates scenes of an inner world of memory and imagination to which no camera has access: Mind-scapes. This series plays with our patterns of perception, which force us to create coherent images even from contradictory elements. Viewed from a distance, Mindscapes show city views and landscapes; on closer inspection, this iconic content dissolves into abstract and indexical fragments. Result of a re-appropriation of what others had seen, photographed and then thrown or sold away, these images contain and link us to many realities.
The book presents works from this ongoing series of photo collages along with texts in english, german and French.
Foam Magazine #52: Talent Issue 2019
FOAM Amsterdam 2018
30 x 23 cm, 288 pages, softcover, 25 €
EAN 8710966455234-00052/ ISSN 1570-4874
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works by: Florian Amoser, Christopher Anderson, Nina Berman, He Bo, Valentine Bo, Chen Zhe, Maisie Cousins, Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, Rineke Dijkstra, Carolyn Drake, Jalan and Jibril Durimel, Gregory Eddi Jones, Sophie Gabrielle, Eric Gyamfi, Thomas Hauser, Toyomitsu Higa, Mao Ishikawa, Stelios Kallinikou, Takashi Kawashima, Dima Komarov, Lilly Lulay, Trevor Paglen, Jaya Pelupessy, Daniel Shea, Senta Simond, Małgorzata Stankiewicz, Salvatore Vitale, Carmen Winant
texts (english) by: 10x10 Photobooks, Rahel Aima, Mariama Attah, Taco Hidde Bakker, Ben Burbridge, Caroline von Courten, Anastasiia Fedorova, John Fleetwood, Hinde Haest, Yining He, Jos Houweling, Ashleigh Kane, Eriko Kimura, Kim Knoppers, Alexandra König, Mirjam Kooiman, Shoair Mavlian, Gemma Padley, Kateryna Radchenko, Liz Sales, Aaron Schuman, Miwa Susada, Artur Walther, Carmen Winant, Duncan Wooldridge
On Traces and Tides, Lilly Lulay
Basis Frankfurt/Nekatoenea residency 2017
21 x 28 cm, 82 pages, offset print, softcover,15 € + shipping
ISBN: 978-3-9812487-4-6 2016
to order the catalogue write to: info(at)lillylulay.de
works by: Lilly Lulay
texts (english/ french/ bask) by: Christin Müller, Elke Roloff
recommended fellowship 17/18
Lilly Lulay / Thomas Albdorf / Nadja Bournonville
Olympus Deutschland, 2018
21 x 28 cm, 82 pages, offset print, softcover,15 € + shipping
to order the catalogue write to: info(at)lillylulay.de
or go to https://recommended.photo/publication.html
works by: Lilly Lulay, Thomas Albdorf, Nadja Bournonville
texts (english/ german) by: Thomas Albdorf, Nadja Bournonville, Prof. Dr. Dirk Luckow, Marcel Feil, Hinde Haest, Olaf Kreuter, Lilly Lulay, Celina Lunsford, Ingo Taubhorn
Out of Office,
Museum für Konkrete Kunst
Verlag Surface 2017
114 Seiten,19,90 EUR zzgl. Versand
ISBN 978-3-939855-51-4
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texts (german) by: Theres Rohde, Simone Schimpf
Die Ausstellung „Out of Office“ im Museum für Konkrete Kunst in Ingolstadt thematisiert das Büro als Sinnbild der modernen Gesellschaft und ihrer Organisationsprinzipien. Darin sehen die konkreten Künstler das Büro als Signum für Regulierung, Ordnung, Verwaltung, Bürokratie, Herrschaft und Machtausübung. Bürokratische Aufgaben sind durch eine strenge beziehungsweise strikte Regelbefolgung gekennzeichnet, die sich üblicherweise in mathematischen Operationen und religiösen Ritualen wiederfinden. Auch im zunehmend digitalen Zeitalter bleiben analoge Hilfsmittel wie Klebezettel und Lineale in Verwendung, die von den Künstlern als Objekte in neue Konstellationen gebracht werden.
A Matter of Memory
George Eastman Museum 2016
10 x 12 x 1 inches, 176 pages, hardcover
ISBN: 9780935398182
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works by: Thomas Barrow, Matthew Brandt, Ellen Carey, John Chiara, Adam Fuss, Robert Heinecken, Leslie Hewitt, Kenneth Josephson, Laura Letinsky, Lilly Lulay, Chris McCaw, Diane Meyer, Yola Monakhov Stockton, Vik Muniz, Floris Neusüss, Marlo Pascual, Matthew Porter, Taryn Simon, Michelle Stuart, Kunié Sugiura, Bertien van Manen, James Welling and Augusta Wood.
The majority of photographic images today are recorded and viewed digitally, rather than on film and paper. What happens to personal and collective memories when photographic images are not instantly accessible on the face of physical objects? A number of contemporary artists are making work that suggests the potential consequences of photography’s latest metamorphosis. Two main strategies emerge: some artists dig deep into photographic materials as though searching for the locus of memory, and others incorporate found photographs into their work as virtual talismans of recollection. Both highlight the presence of the photographic object and function as self-conscious meditations on photography’s ongoing reorganization of our mental and physical landscape.
Stiftung Opelvillen 2013
15 x 15 cm, 12 pages
works by: Lilly Lulay
text (german) by: Hanna Kemmerer
Diese Publikation erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung: Lichtbilder, Lilly Lulay in der Schleuse der Opelvillen Rüsselsheim.
Contemporary Photography from North-Western Europe
Skira, Fondazione Fotografia di Modena, Milano 2015
24 x 28 cm, SKIRA, 2015, 168 pages, softcover, offset print
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Fondazione Fotografia presents the latest volume in the series dedicated to the international collection of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena. The selection – more than seventy works by a total of nineteen artists – bears witness to the vibrancy of the current trends in a geographical area that encompasses Germany, the United Kingdom and Scandinavia, taking in works of photographers of different generations: from well-known names such as Wolfgang Tillmans, Gillian Wearing, Barbara Probst, Olivier Richon and Sarah Jones, to up-and-coming talents including Jonny Briggs, Lilly Lulay and Johann Arens, whose works suggest new possible identities for photography.